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Kelly is looking for only the very best PSO’s. We have been in business 25+ years and we are one of the highest paying companies in the adult phone industry. Our impeccable reputation is due to the fact that we pay timely and on a weekly basis. There’s no drama, no BS when you get to come work for us. We offer two platforms, PhoneKelly & Sextnation , apply for one or the other or work on both! Give us a try and start making money today!
Business Name | KT Communications |
Headquarters | Kimberton, Pennsylvania, United States |
Job Category | Phone Entertainers |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates. |
Travel $$ | Will not pay travel expenses for job candidates. |
Job Location | Qualified applicants will work from home. |
Gender Needs |
Related Ads | Job ID# E99400 (Text Chat Operators) |
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