4,890 -
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Hiring qualified work-at-home PSOs to join our fast growing team of talented, hardworkers. Seeking motivated, uninhibited women for full-time positions. We offer top weekly pay & benefits, bonuses, direct deposit, and a professional female-managed work environment that sets a new industry standard. We're seeking serious, dedicated PSOs who have great work habits, and excellent computer skills. Experienced operators receive extra benefits, but experience not necessary.
Business Name | RPI/Palm Island |
Headquarters | Anywhere - Work From Home, United States |
Job Category | Phone Entertainers |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates. |
Travel $$ | Will not pay travel expenses for job candidates. |
Job Location | Qualified applicants will work from home. |
Gender Needs |
Related Ads | Job ID# E23435 (Admin/Office Staff) |
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