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PGBA and CEO, are looking for 2 sexy black thick big butts women in all areas i'm U.S. job pays $1000 per girl this a all nude shoot with stripper attire will he giving to both girls plus you must have stripper shoes. Travel and hotels will be paid if you interested text your pics to the number below or message me this shoot for a onlyfans mixtape cover nothing but nude pics also I'm included
Business Name | PGBA, LLC |
Headquarters | Lexington, South Carolina, United States |
Contact Person | Michael Broaden |
Job Category | Nude Models |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Will pay relocation expenses for qualified applicants. |
Travel $$ | Will pay travel expenses for qualified applicants. |
Job Location | Qualified applicants will work at specified job site. |
Gender Needs |
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