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Performance Manager wanted! My client is a work from home company that employs text chat operators around the world. We are looking for a candidate with Human Resource Management experience who can help us get the best out of our people. Think of setting KPIs, coaching supervisors and managers, writing and assessing PDPs, etc. If this role appeals to you and you can show experience in this field, please contact me for an online interview and you can start soon!
Business Name | DataEntryJobs |
Headquarters | Spain |
Contact Person | Stephen |
Job Category | Managers |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Relocation expenses are negotiable. |
Travel $$ | Travel expenses are negotiable. |
Job Location | Qualified applicants will work from home. |
Gender Needs |
Related Ads | Job ID# E74114 (Text Chat Operators) |
Feedback | 4 comments posted | Add a comment |