We are BoundHouse, a fetish/kink community lifestyle & events brand, headquartered in San Francisco. We host and collaborate on events, parties and promotions in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. We are seeking fetish/adult models to shoot photo content sets for our promotions, marketing and site content. This will be artistic fetish photo content (ranging from sexy outfits to some nudity)…and will cover areas of erotic art, bondage, bdsm play, fetish scenarios, etc…

Business Name BoundHouse
Headquarters California, United States
Contact Person Overbound
Job Category Fetish Models
Hiring Region
Only hiring job applicants from local area.
Relocation $$
Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates.
Travel $$
Will not pay travel expenses for job candidates.
Job Location
Qualified applicants will work at specified job site.
Gender Needs
  • Accepting applications from females.
  • Not accepting applications from males.
  • Accepting applications from trans.
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