Studio Peach
400 -
36 -
#623 -
Looking for female models for adult productions. No previous experience necessary. Up to $2000. Serious inquiry only please. Easy and fun way to make fast $$$. We are an established and professional adult film producer who have worked with some of the most famous talents in the industry. We are not middle man/agency and you will not be required to pay any fees. You keep all for yourself. We hope to hear from you soon!
Business Name | Studio Peach |
Headquarters | Colorado, United States |
Contact Person | Chris |
Job Category | Actors/Actresses (hard) |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates. |
Travel $$ | Will pay travel expenses for qualified applicants. |
Job Location | Qualified applicants will work at specified job site. |
Gender Needs |
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