Foxxxy Facials
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Foxxxy Facials is seeking actresses to star in blowjob scenes. Experience isn't required and you must be 18 - 55 years old. Applicants must be attractive and slim for consideration. These are strictly blowjob videos, not full sex scenes. All models must sign a Model Release form and have photo I.D. Pay ranges from $400 - $600. Thanks!
Business Name | Foxxxy Facials |
Headquarters | Fort Worth, Texas, United States |
Contact Person | John |
Job Category | Actors/Actresses (hard) |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates. |
Travel $$ | Travel expenses are negotiable. |
Job Location | Job location is negotiable. |
Gender Needs |
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