Hello everyone, my name is Pat. I am the owner of MENOFHAN, an entertainment conglomerate dedicated to working with male talent. We do offer straight work, but please understand our demographic is gay males so you must be okay with solo content. No exceptions. That will come first before the straight sex if you are a straight male. There is an application and audition process. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My name is Pat.

Business Name MENOFHAN
Headquarters Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Contact Person Pat
Job Category Actors/Actresses (hard)
Hiring Region
Will consider job candidates from outside of local area.
Relocation $$
Relocation expenses are negotiable.
Travel $$
Will pay travel expenses for qualified applicants.
Job Location
Job location is negotiable.
Gender Needs
  • Accepting applications from females.
  • Accepting applications from males.
  • Accepting applications from trans.
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