I'm looking for males between the ages of 18-32 who have an athletic or muscular build for nude modeling and porn gigs in the following areas that pay from $300-1500: New York, Florida, Atlanta, Texas, and California. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE OVER 32 UNLESS YOUR BODY IS RIPPED AND SOLID MUSCLE!!! ALSO DO NOT APPLY IF YOU LIVE OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!

Business Name Divine Management
Headquarters Los Angeles, California, United States
Contact Person Ken
Job Category Actors/Actresses (hard)
Hiring Region
Will consider job candidates from outside of local area.
Relocation $$
Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates.
Travel $$
Travel expenses are negotiable.
Job Location
Qualified applicants will work at specified job site.
Gender Needs
  • Not accepting applications from females.
  • Accepting applications from males.
  • Not accepting applications from trans.
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