Lone Star Outlaw Entertainment, LLC
1,000 -
15 -
#274 -
Lone Star Outlaw Entertainment is constantly looking for new or established talent to work with (B/G & B/G/G). We're based in Austin, TX, but can either fly you in or fly to you. All travel is covered (flight, transpo, lodging, 2days per diem) provided all paperwork is signed in advance. These are prostyle shoots using Sony FX3s and HQ lighting. If you're interested, please reach out with a resume and photos. Also - we are looking for a webcam partner as well -be local to ATX pls.
Business Name | Lone Star Outlaw Entertainment, LLC |
Headquarters | California, United States |
Job Category | Actors/Actresses (hard) |
Hiring Region | Will consider job candidates from outside of local area. |
Relocation $$ | Relocation expenses are negotiable. |
Travel $$ | Will pay travel expenses for qualified applicants. |
Job Location | Job location is negotiable. |
Gender Needs |
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