Malemodelsinc is looking for really big butt straight male models for solo scenes. looking for guys average to thick built of all races who have big butts. For these solo scenes you have an option to wear mask to hide identity. All scenes take 45min-1 hour and is shot at a secure location. Pay is $400 per solo scene with same day pay. Please respond with pictures if interested. Also will pay $200 if you know someone with a really big butt and you refer them.

Business Name Malemodelsinc
Headquarters Orlando, Florida, United States
Contact Person Malemodels
Job Category Actors/Actresses (hard)
Hiring Region
Only hiring job applicants from local area.
Relocation $$
Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates.
Travel $$
Will not pay travel expenses for job candidates.
Job Location
Qualified applicants will work at specified job site.
Gender Needs
  • Not accepting applications from females.
  • Accepting applications from males.
  • Not accepting applications from trans.
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