Would like to parter with someone to make content. I've been a pro photographer/videographer for a while now just not for adult content, but i know good lighting sound and composition could help take your production from amateur to next level and stand out. I also have some ideas that i'd like to explore. would trade for my services for someone starting out or pay if it was the right fit .Cosplay and fantasy type scenarios. but no sex involved msg me and can give more details.

Business Name tkproductions
Headquarters Windsor, Wisconsin, United States
Contact Person Will
Job Category Actors/Actresses (soft)
Hiring Region
Will consider job candidates from outside of local area.
Relocation $$
Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates.
Travel $$
Travel expenses are negotiable.
Job Location
Job location is negotiable.
Gender Needs
  • Accepting applications from females.
  • Not accepting applications from males.
  • Not accepting applications from trans.
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