I am looking for women who have an exhibitionist / nudist kink. Ideally, somebody who is genuinely turned on with the idea of outdoor and semi-public nudity. I have a unique twist… NO SEX is required except maybe masturbation and/or playing with toys. A mask is optional. All ages and body types, but you must be in good shape for walking. This genre is perfect for manyVids and will sell, but also good for onlyFans or pornHub. This has huge potential. Growing demand but not enough creators.

Business Name Bare Nature Productions
Headquarters Lafayette, Colorado, United States
Contact Person Justin
Job Category Nude Models
Hiring Region
Only hiring job applicants from local area.
Relocation $$
Will not pay relocation expenses for job candidates.
Travel $$
Travel expenses are negotiable.
Job Location
Qualified applicants will work at specified job site.
Gender Needs
  • Accepting applications from females.
  • Not accepting applications from males.
  • Not accepting applications from trans.
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